Blockchain Basic Course for Engineer

Blockchain, the foundation of Bitcoin, has received extensive attentions recently. Blockchain serves as an immutable ledger which allows transactions take place in a decentralized manner.

3 days


Blockchain technology has continued to evolve and capture widespread attention in 2023. As the foundational technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, it remains at the forefront of technological innovation. Blockchain offers an immutable ledger that facilitates decentralised transactions, and its applications have expanded to encompass a wide range of sectors, including financial services, reputation systems, and the Internet of Things (IoT). However, numerous challenges persist, such as scalability and security issues, which continue to be a focal point for development. This updated overview provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of blockchain technology in 2023.

Take-away skills

Unlimited access to course content for obtaining your Blockchain Technology Certificate. Enjoy the flexibility to pause, rewind, and navigate through all chapters at your own pace. Prepare effectively for your exam with our comprehensive Digital Course Material accessible from any location and on any device.


Fundamental understanding of Networking

Basic familiarity with Servers


History of blockchain

The Evolution of Blockchain

First Generation Blockchain Technology

Second Generation Blockchain

Third Generation Blockchain Technology

What is blockchain?

Why do we need blockchain technology?

Features Of Blockchain

What are the benefits of blockchain?

What is the difference between blockchain and database?

Types Of Blockchain

Public Blockchain

Private Blockchain

Hybrid Blockchain

How does blockchain work?

Hash function




Wallets, digital signatures, protocols

What is a wallet?

Digital signature

What are cryptographic keys?


What is mining?

Problems solved by blockchain technology

Currency and transaction support

Suppy chain and item histories


Government operations

Intellectual property

Cloud storage

Real estate

What is the future of blockchain technology?

Widespread Distributed Data Models

DLT-based system

Standardization And Collaboration

A Growing Need For Credible Crypto Backing

A Potential Ecosystem Of Specialized Chains

Blockchain based security measures

Crypto currency Is Just Going Through Normal Product Cycle

Change of Blockchain towards Maturity