Blockchain Professional Course for Engineer

The Ethereum Development Training Course is designed for those seeking an in-depth understanding and development experience of the Ethereum Blockchain platform.

3 days


The Ethereum Development Training Course is designed for those seeking an in-depth understanding and development experience of the Ethereum Blockchain platform. Students will participate in approximately 50% programming lab time providing practical experience, enhancing their knowledge and existing skill set. Due to the technical programming lab content covered in this course, it is not recommended for those without programming knowledge and experience.

Take-away skills

30 Days of unlimited access to course content. Certified Blockchain Technology Basic exam voucher. Ability to stop, pause rewind and move through all chapters. Sample quiz questions. Exam Prep Digital Course Material: View from anywhere and any device.


Necessary: Basic knowledge Networking

Basic knowledge in Server


What is Ethereum blockchain?

Create a private Ethereum blockchain

Add nodes to your private blockchain

What is smart contract?

Definition of blockchain

Features of blockchain

Advantages of smart contracts

Disadvantages of smart contracts

Popular features of ICO smart contracts

Capped contracts

Mintable tokens

Finalizable contracts

Upgradable contracts

Refundable contracts

Time vault contracts

Burnable tokens/ Freezable tokens

Deploying smart contract and tokens on Ethereum

How do account work?

Dependencies for developing on Ethereum

Node Package Manager (NPM)

Truffle framework



Deploying smart contracts with Truffle

Introduction to Solidity

Testing solidity contracts

Developing the client side interface

Adding voting functions to smart contracts

Testing voting functions

Implementing voting on client side

Difference between Proof of Work and Proof of Stake

Proof of Work

Proof of Stake

Why are coins moving over to PoS?

Differences among various blockchains